CATALOGUE. 149 Townsendia steigosa, Nutt—^Valley of the Upper Arkansas, Colo¬ rado (517, 853). Townsendia scapigeea, D. C Eaton (Vol. V of Fortieth ParaUel Sur¬ vey, p: 145, pl. xvii, figs. 1-7).—Nevada. AsTEE tanacetifolius, H. B. K. (Machcer anther a tanacetifolia, Nees.)— Biennial, erect, 6'-2° high, usually much branched, pubescent or viscid, or sometimes nearly glabrous; leaves once to three times pinnatifid, the divisions bristle-tipped; involucre hemispherical, 3-8" in diameter; scales imbricated in several series, lanceolate or linear, always acute, and some¬ times with very long, tapering, herbaceous tips; rays about 25, violet, twice as long as the disk-flowers; achenia with two strong marginal ribs, and several on either face, very villous; mature pappus reddish.—Colorado (854, 491, 505, 19). Also from Arizona and New Mexico. AsTEE canescens, Pursh. (Machceranthera canescens. Gray; also Eaton in Bot King.)—Very variable, and obtained by the Expedition from Colo¬ rado, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah. AsTEE CoLOEADOENSis, Gray. (Proc. Amer. Acad, xi, 76.)—420 and 455 of the Colorado collection, in which it was distributed as Machcsranthera canescens. Stems 2-4' high, several from the same root, each terminated by a single head, tomentose or canescent; leaves coriaceous, the lowest spatu¬ late, the upper lanceolate or linear, all sharply serrate, having the teeth bristle-pointed; involucre hemispherical, the acute herbaceous-tipped scales narrowly lanceolate, canescent, and in 2-3 series; rays 35-40, large, bright purple; achenia ribbed, turbinate, and densely canescent or villose ; pappus rusty-colored. Prof T. C Porter raises the question as to whether this may not be Dieteria pulverulenta, Nutt I have not access to authentic specimens of this; but there certainly are many strong resemblances from the descrip¬ tion in Flora of North America by Torrey and Gray. See vol 2, p. 101. Unhke the others of the same section, this (Aster Coloradoensis) is perennial.— Plate VII, B. Natural size. 9. Ray-flower. 10. Ray-flower style and stigma. 11. Disk-flower. 12. Disk-flower style and stigma. 13. Ache¬ nium and pappus of disk-flower. About 10 diameters.